Navigating Medical School, Trainee Advice

Psychiatry Interview Templates – Downloadable PDFs

Hi there! I’m glad that you found your way to my blog! My name is Dr. Atasha Jordan, MBA, and I’m a psychiatry resident in Philadelphia. When I started medical school, I had NO intention of becoming a psychiatrist. But GOD! When I started my psychiatry clerkship, I could sense that something was going to be different about that month. So much so, my psychiatry clerkship was the catalyst for this blog!

I truly feel that God directed me to psychiatry, and I’m so glad he did. During my psychiatry clerkship and sub-internship, I created my own psychiatry interview templates to help me navigate the very new field. Now, I want to share those templates with you!

These psychiatry interview templates helped me streamline my patient interviews. The templates also help me to deliver “excellent” presentations. That’s literally the feedback I get time and time again related to my presentations. I clinically honored both my clerkship and my sub-internship using these templates! And guess what?! I still use them in residency to this day! My psychiatry interview templates will help you to stay organized in your interview. Not only that, but they’ll help you stay organized for your presentations as well.

But don’t just take my word for it!

Check out my interview templates for yourself!

Peace and blessings,

Dr. Atasha Jordan, MBA

Dr. Atasha Jordan is an Ivy League-trained psychiatry resident and businesswoman. Learn more about Dr. Jordan here. Feel free to say hello and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter for updates!