lifestyle & Wellness, Wellness

Jumpstart into Fitness: #30DaysNoExcuses

Fitness means different things to everyone. For some, fitness equates to maxing out at the gym every other day. For others, fitness is a daily 30-minute walk. Even more, fitness is a foreign word altogether for others. Nonetheless, many people yearn to live their versions of a fit lifestyle. However, excuses often get in the way. Whether you’re too tired, out of shape, or unable to afford a gym membership, it’s easy to find excuses to avoid a workout.

#30DaysNoExcuses Fitness Challenge

It’s easy to have a mindset of excuses. Despite the fact that I lived in a building with a gym, I spent most of medical school making excuses not to work out, instead of prioritizing my fitness. So over the past couple of years, I’ve adopted a new mindset to help ensure that I live a healthy life: “No excuses.”

This month, a group of 10 of my Instagram followers is working with me to complete 30 days straight of exercise, no excuses. This #30DaysNoExcuses challenge is much like the #50DaysNoExcuses challenge I led and completed in the summer of 2018. For the month of April, we made a commitment to exercise in some way every day. Because life often can present challenges, the aim of this challenge is to create a healthy habit of regular exercise. So, somedays workouts will be hardcore, calorie-burning routines. But on other days, exercise might be a light yoga session or walk. The end goal is to do something every day. After all, something is better than nothing.

The #30DaysNoExcuses Challenge is here for you to join whenever you’re ready. I purposefully do not recommend a particular workout plan or dietary regimen. I find that fitness is personal, and it’s best for you to use what works for you. For me, I find that having the freedom to choose different workouts each day helps me remain excited about exercise. I switch things up from cardio on the elliptical to Nike Training Club workouts, YouTube dance workouts, and more!

Feel free to save the image below to use as a personal tracker or to share on your social media as you complete your own 30 days of fitness! Be sure to tag me in your posts, so I can see that you’ve gotten started!

As always, be sure to keep your doctor updated on your exercise habits, and be sure to check with them before starting any new or more rigorous regimens. The contents of this post are not intended to diagnose or treat. Rather, they serve as a motivator for you to be your best self!

Dr. Atasha Jordan is an Ivy League-trained psychiatry resident and businesswoman. Learn more about Dr. Jordan here. Feel free to send a message and subscribe to her newsletter!