I’ve been asked so many times about how I achieve my perfect natural hair puff that I decided to write a quick post to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Ready for a natural hair secret?! This secret might just blow your mind! The way that I achieve the perfect natural hair puff every time is quite simple. Drum roll pleaseeee….. I BOUGHT IT! I know, I know….You’re shooketh. It’s okay! Sometimes the puff fools me too! But last year, when I was headed to vacation in Mexico with some Wharton classmates, I decided that I wanted to rock a low maintenance natural…

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  Last Sunday, my pastor presented an incredibly timely sermon called “How to Turn Your Setback into a Comeback.” I’ve watched some similar sermons before, such as this awesome sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick at Elevation Church. However, there was something about the timing and content of my pastor’s message that made his sermon stand out to me. He presented several key principles on turning a setback into a comeback. As I did with the Father’s Day sermon last year, I wanted to share a recap of this message because I think that the themes are applicable to many of life’s…

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One of the most common questions I get from premedical students is “What extracurricular activities should I do to get into medical school?” Though there are definitely some “check the box” items that all medical school hopefuls should complete, I generally offer this advice to my mentees: Do what you love, and do it excellently! Instead of thinking about what will get you into medical school, think about what you like doing and what brings you joy! As a result, you’ll either 1) have amazing experiences to share in your medical school application and personal statement or 2) realize there’s…

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Choosing to go to medical school isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Medical school and a career in medicine for that matter are part of an incredibly long and challenging journey. It’s a decision that you should make sure to spend a lot of time thinking about. I wrote this post to help walk you through the decision process of how to decide if you should really go to medical school. Contemplation: Should I Go to Medical School? Using the Stages of Change Model as a guide, the question of whether or not to go to medical school falls into…

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Today was my first clinical workday as a psychiatry resident! I have spent YEARS waiting for this day to arrive, and it was just as great as I hoped. As a new psychiatry resident at Penn, I’m starting my residency in the same hospital where I discovered my love of psychiatry a little over a year ago. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Philadelphia will always have a special place in my heart, and I’m excited to serve the veterans there for the next month or so during my first block of residency. Heading into this new chapter, one…

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