In the midst of the craziness that is psychiatry residency, it’s been a while since I’ve checked in on the blog! The last time I popped in was for my birthday! I’m still posting a lot of content on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube, but it’s been harder to sit and write a whole blog post given my hectic schedule. That being said, I still try my best to stay in touch with friends, by text, on the phone, and with hand-written cards!  I usually get my stationery from the dollar store or other similarly cost-efficient locations. However, those cards…

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Approximately 10 percent of adults in America have a substance use disorder. Thus, the prevalence of addiction and substance use disorder in the U.S. is on par with diseases such as diabetes and kidney disease. As a refresher, I define substance use disorders in my post What is Substance Use Disorder. Unlike alcohol or nicotine, cocaine use disorder is categorized as illicit substance use. Cocaine is a salt-based substance in powdered form. On the other hand, crack is a dilution of cocaine with substances such as water and baking soda. Cocaine use disorder has many negative effects on one’s health…

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Substance use disorders are common in the U.S. I define substance use disorders in my post What is Substance Use Disorder. Approximately 10 percent of adults in America have a substance use disorder. This means that the prevalence of substance use disorders in the U.S. is on par with illnesses such as diabetes and kidney disease. However, many people with addictions feel ashamed or isolated by their condition. I created this post to highlight that you are not alone. Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders I hope that this post helped you to realize you’re not alone if you have a…

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Fitness means different things to everyone. For some, fitness equates to maxing out at the gym every other day. For others, fitness is a daily 30-minute walk. Even more, fitness is a foreign word altogether for others. Nonetheless, many people yearn to live their versions of a fit lifestyle. However, excuses often get in the way. Whether you’re too tired, out of shape, or unable to afford a gym membership, it’s easy to find excuses to avoid a workout. #30DaysNoExcuses Fitness Challenge It’s easy to have a mindset of excuses. Despite the fact that I lived in a building with…

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Working from home is a new way of life for many of us. We must now use or create new home offices to maintain productivity throughout the day. If you’re anything like me, you might not have enough space to dedicate an entire room as a home office. Thankfully, a wall or corner of a room is all you need to create a home office. I’m most productive when I feel calm and relaxed. My bohemian office space with bright tropical colors does just that! I hope that you get some inspiration from my bohemian office space to create a…

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