My intern year of residency has been an utter whirlwind. Time is passing by in what seems like unprecedented speeds. In the midst of the chaos, I allow myself moments of quiet reflection. I often stop, reflect, and give thanks for being exactly where I’ve always wanted to be. I am practicing medicine as a resident physician, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Throughout the nearly five months that I have worked as a psychiatry resident, I have learned so much more than I could have imagined about myself, clinical practice, and the fragility of human health. A mixture of…

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Residency interviews can make or break your chances of getting into the residency program of your choice. Though there’s a strong emphasis on an applicant’s ability to appropriately answer interview questions, there isn’t always enough focus on the other end of the spectrum. Fourth-year medical students should all be prepared with a list of questions to ask on the residency interview trail. It’s essential that you think about what information you hope to gain from the process to ultimately help you decide on your rank list. Using this perspective, your questions should allow you to leave an interview day equipped…

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Every year, fourth-year medical students stress about the September 15th deadline to submit residency applications. If you found this post, you are likely in pre-panic or full-on panic mode right now. More than that, you are looking for final-hour residency application tips to put your mind at ease. The process of compiling recommendation letters, transcripts, a personal statement, a CV, and a list of professional and personal activities can be quite daunting. I surely spent my fair share of time stressing over varying parts of this process. However, I compiled this list of residency application tips that can help you…

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Whether it’s your schoolwork, an ex-partner, or past trauma, there are likely some things you’re avoiding in life. Sometimes this avoidance is subconscious. At other times, the avoidance is completely purposeful. Either way, you might not even realize it, but these things you’re avoiding are likely making you miserable. Even more alarming, the avoidance might lead to mental illness. On my current psychiatry block in residency, the attending I’m working with said something that stuck with me. “Avoiding” he said, “is at the root of most psychiatric disorders.” As I spent time reflecting on these words, I realized that he…

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My birthday is always a great time for me to reflect on the past year. When we think about life on a day-by-day basis, it can feel like we’re not doing a lot. But when we reflect on bigger chunks of time, it’s easy to see how much change, growth, and accomplishment can happen in one year. I love to celebrate my birthday because I am truly thankful for each day, month, and year that God allows me to remain alive. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what has occurred while wishing and preparing for another great year ahead. As…

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