Cancelled Match Day Ceremony Due to COVID-19? Alternative Ways to Celebrate the Big Day

Cancelled Match Day Ceremony Due to COVID-19? Alternative Ways to Celebrate the Big Day

In the midst of the novel coronavirus outbreak, many medical schools around the country have cancelled their traditional Match Day celebrations. This means that instead of the typical in-person ceremonies that we’re used to, schools are opting for virtual ceremonies or no ceremonies at all.

For many fourth-year medical students, the cancellation of Match Day festivities is devastating. Match Day is seen as one of the most momentous days in a medical student’s journey, alongside white coat ceremonies and graduation itself. So the thought of cancelled Match Day festivities seems almost unfathomable to some. However, in the ongoing efforts to minimize the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent illness COVID-19, the reality is that Match Day 2020 will be quite different than in past years.

Nonetheless, medical students around the country are eagerly, and even anxiously, awaiting the results of Match Day 2020. Though you won’t be in an auditorium filled with hundreds of people, on Friday, March 20th, you will learn where you will spend the next 3+ years training as a resident physician. Match Day is a day that deserves to be celebrated! Below are some alternative ways for you to celebrate the results of Match Day this year, in the setting of the ongoing pandemic.

Small Gathering With Family

Most governing public health bodies such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended social distancing and avoidance of large group gatherings (100s or more people) as a means of minimizing the spread of COVID-19. However, if you happen to live near family, it would be a special moment to discover the results of The Match alongside a small group of your family in a private setting. One caveat here is that it may be wise to ask those with cough, fever, and/or shortness of breath not to participate. Also, remember other preventative measures such as frequent handwashing and covering your mouth with the crease of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.

I certainly remember that having my family and friends around me was one of the most special parts of the day. I could process the results of The Match with the people I love most.

Small Gathering With Classmates

Another great way to have moral and emotional support as you check the National Residency Match Program (NRMP) website is to do so alongside a small group of classmates who might likewise have family restricted from travel to your city. It’s impossible to truly gauge exactly how many people qualify as a “small group,” but I personally believe that the in-person support of a few peers is paramount for Match Day. I had some of my best friends at my side, and I’ll never forget that day of celebration.

Match Day; SNMA

Solo Reveal

If you’re an internal processor and need time alone to let the results sink in, the cancelled Match Day celebrations might actually work in your favor. I remember a lot of friends feeling pressured to go to the Match Day ceremony because of tradition. On the other hand, some of my friends simply waited to check the results of The Match online, rather than attending the ceremony. The simplicity of opening the NRMP portal on your own may give you the time and space to independently process the outcomes of The Match before you share that information with others.

Match Day

Virtual Celebration

Some schools are offering virtual school-wide Match Day celebrations in lieu of the traditional ceremonies. Though the unique, palpable energy and excitement of an in-person ceremony will be missing, virtual ceremonies provide the comradery of simultaneously learning the big news, while protecting the health of students, staff, and family. I presume that these virtual ceremonies would include a live chat feature through which students can opt in to share where they have matched. If not, maybe this is a good time to run that idea by your administrators 😉

If your school isn’t planning a virtual celebration, feel free to plan your own! Instagram or Facebook live are great vehicles to allow you to connect with friends and family around the world on Match Day. If “going live” isn’t your thing, consider FaceTiming or video conferencing with friends and family while (or after) you open your letter.

Either way, in light of the emphasis on social distancing, virtual celebrations may, in fact, be the most public safety-oriented option for Match Day celebrations this year.

Match Day

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate the outcomes of your Match Day, remember that you’ve spent years working toward this point. You may be ecstatic to match at your number one choice, or you might need time to process matching somewhere unexpected. In the end, if you’ve matched, you are on your way to starting your career as a practicing clinician! Don’t let cancelled Match Day ceremonies put a damper on an otherwise memorable day!

Photos by Afro



  1. March 20, 2020 / 9:41 am

    I think this is an excellent post for people to celebrate in ways that are conscious of the current climate!

    • Atasha
      March 20, 2020 / 10:16 pm

      Thanks! Based on IG, seems like folks found ways to make due! So many great photos and videos with family, both in-person and virtual!

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